
R21DA056468-02S1 (08/01/23 – 07/31/24) A pilot study of ambulatory heart rate variability biofeedback for substance use disorder, diversity supplement (Role: PI | $57,995)

K23AA027577-01A1 (06/05/20 – 06/04/25) Bringing real-time stress detection to scale: Development of a biosensor driven, stress detection classifier for smartwatches (Role: PI | $945,000)

R21DA056468 (08/01/22 – 07/31/24) A pilot study of ambulatory heart rate variability biofeedback for substance use disorder (Role: PI | $473,000)

R24DA051988-02S1 (08/15/21 – 08/14/23) Investigating the clinical and public health utility of a novel physical activity-oriented addiction recovery support service (Role: Co-I | $462,000) 

L30AA026135-03 (07/01/22 – 06/30/24) A pilot study of ambulatory heart rate variability biofeedback for substance use disorder (Role: PI | $10,640)


L30AA026135-02 (07/01/22 – 06/30/24) Bringing real-time stress detection to scale: Development of a biosensor driven, stress detection classifier for smartwatches (Role: PI | $31,921)

K12DA043490-03 (07/01/20 – 06/30/22) Meeting Patients Where They’re At: Leveraging Technology to Support Addictions Treatment in Primary Care Medical Settings (Role: PI | $330,000) *

Society of Addiction Psychology (08/01/19 – 07/31/20) Toward Development of a Biosensor-based, Just-in-time Intervention for Alcohol Use Disorder (Role: PI | $5,000)

Tramel Foundation (06/01/18 – 05/31/19) Toward Development of a Biosensor-based, Just-in-time Intervention for Alcohol Use Disorder (Role: PI | $10,000)

J. and C. Reich Award in Depression Research (07/01/18 – 06/30/19) Novel Analysis of Sleep Derived Heart Rate Variability in Major Depressive Disorder (Role: Co-I | $50,000)     

L30AA026135-01 (07/01/22 – 06/30/24) Bringing real-time stress detection to scale: Development of a biosensor driven, stress detection classifier for smartwatches (Role: PI | $35,220)

F32AA025251-01 (09/23/16 – 09/22/18) Elucidating the Role of Cognitive and Physiological Aspects of Affect in Alcohol Use Relapse (Role: PI | $115,836)

Livingston Fellowship – Harvard Medical School (07/01/17 – 06/30/18) Elucidating the Role of Cognitive and Physiological Aspects of Affect in Alcohol Use Relapse (Role: PI | $10,000)

Harvard University Foundations of Human Behavior Initiative – The Pershing Square Venture Fund for Research on the Foundations of Human Behavior (02/01/17 – 01/31/19) Elucidating the Role of Cognitive and Physiological Aspects of Affect in Alcohol Use Relapse (Role: PI | $5,000)

* Grant awarded but declined upon receiving K23 award